
i think i'd save a local copy of this too just in case.

1. removed youtube comments


once upon a time, trans ppl are terribly prosecuted, along with other gender minorities.

then they thought of something: if we get political, no one will stop us!

pretty much like the chinese peasants who fueled the cultural revolution after making china communist. if there's a power vaccum, the oppressed fills it in. 

this logic, once started, is irresistable, unstoppable.

so it's gonna see-saw for a while i think, until the new social norm includes gender minorities.

of course fake gandis are gonna pop up every now and then and say: an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.

i'm sure if gandi is at odds with tougher enemies, he's gonna go blind in an instant. and well, there are many of those.

it's pretty much like that episode in south park where randy helped gerald jerk off for once at their party, shitting his pants for being thought of as gay, while being totally oblivious when tanks are going to blow their house to pieces.


another comment was removed too video link:

i'm not being conservative nor progressive in both comments but they all got removed. hooray. but i'm gonna keep a record here.


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